
2021/02/20 Kernel-exploit 共 12634 字,约 37 分钟


说明:调试 CVE-2017-11176 之前需要先学习本文,以对Linux相关知识有个了解。调试分析可参读【kernel exploit】CVE-2017-11176 竞态Double-Free漏洞调试


1. 文件描述符-fd、文件对象-struct file、文件描述表-fdtable(映射fd和file结构体) 及其关系


  • 文件描述符-fd:本质上是一个整数,只有对特定的进程才有意义。每个文件描述符与struct file相关联。

  • 文件对象-struct file:用来表示一个被打开的文件,保存文件相关的信息(eg,当前读取的位置),它并不需要匹配磁盘上的某个映像。指向file结构体的指针通常被命名为filp(file pointer)。几个最重要的file结构体成员:

// [include/linux/fs.h]

struct file {
    loff_t                            f_pos;            // "cursor" while reading file
    atomic_long_t                     f_count;          // object's reference counter
    const struct file_operations      *f_op;            // virtual function table (VFT) pointer
  void                              *private_data;      // used by file "specialization"  存放socket指针
  // ...
  • 文件描述表-fdtable:文件描述符和file结构体指针的映射表被称作file descriptor table(fdt),它并不是1对1映射,可能存在多个描述符映射到同一结构体指针的情况,因此file结构体中有f_count成员来记录引用情况(例如,采用dup()系统调用,使两个文件描述符指向相同的file结构,本漏洞中会用到这一点)。FDT的结构体被称为fdtable,它就是一个array。
// [include/linux/fdtable.h]

struct fdtable {
    unsigned int max_fds;
    struct file ** fd;      /* current fd array */
  // ...


// [include/linux/fdtable.h]
struct files_struct {
    atomic_t count;           // reference counter
    struct fdtable *fdt;      // pointer to the file descriptor table   !!!
  // ...

// [include/linux/sched.h]
// 进程描述符——task_struct, 通过`current`宏可以获取当前正在运行的`task`的结构体指针。
struct task_struct {
    volatile long state;            // process state (running, stopped, ...)
    void *stack;                    // task's stack pointer
    int prio;                       // process priority
    struct mm_struct *mm;           // memory address space
    struct files_struct *files;     // open file information   !!! 用来存进程的文件描述表 - struct fdtable
    const struct cred *cred;        // credentials
  // ...

虚函数表VFT:最常见的VFT是struct file_operations。为什么要用到虚函数表? 由于Linux所有东西都看作文件,但文件类型不同,处理方式也不同,所以有不一样的file operations,方便调用。

// [include/linux/fs.h]
struct file_operations {
    ssize_t (*read) (struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
    ssize_t (*write) (struct file *, const char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
    int (*open) (struct inode *, struct file *);
    int (*release) (struct inode *, struct file *);
  // ...

// 文件处理调用示例: f_op —— file_operations
if (file->f_op->read)
    ret = file->f_op->read(file, buf, count, pos);

2. file、socket、sock的关系——socket粘合file+sock

socket结构体socket结构体位于网络栈的顶层。创建socket时也会生成1个struct file,其f_op指针被设置为socket_file_ops,对文件的syscall操作最终将调用socket的文件操作。

// [net/socket.c]
static const struct file_operations socket_file_ops = {
    .read = sock_aio_read,      // <---- calls sock->ops->recvmsg()
    .write =    sock_aio_write, // <---- calls sock->ops->sendmsg()
    .llseek =   no_llseek,      // <---- returns an error
  // ...
// [include/linux/net.h]				// socket 粘合  file + sock
struct socket {
    struct file     *file;
    struct sock     *sk;				// !!!
    const struct proto_ops  *ops;		// !!!!
  // ...

proto_ops结构体:由于socket结构体实际上应用了BSD socket API(原名为Berkeley Socket,允许不同主机或者同一个计算机上的不同进程之间的通信),它集成了一个特殊的VFT结构体proto_ops。不同类型的socket(例如AF_INET、AF_NETLINK等)实现它自己的proto_ops

// [include/linux/net.h]
struct proto_ops {
    int     (*bind)    (struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *myaddr, int sockaddr_len); 	// 给套接字分配一个地址。当使用 socket()创造一个套接字时, 只是给定了协议族,并没有分配地址。
    int     (*connect) (struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *vaddr,  int sockaddr_len, int flags); // 为一个套接字设置连接,参数有文件描述符和主机地址。
    int     (*accept)  (struct socket *sock, struct socket *newsock, int flags);	// 当应用程序监听来自其他主机的面对数据流的连接时,通过事件(比如Unix select()系统调用)通知它。
  // ...


  1. 从FDT中检索file结构体
  2. file结构体中检索socket结构体
  3. 调用proto_ops中的操作

sock结构体:因为一些协议的操作可能需要进入到网络栈的底层,所以socket结构体有一个指针指向sock对象,该指针是为了进行socket的协议操作(proto_ops)。sock结构体是底层(网卡驱动)和高层(socket)的中间层,能以通用的方式保持接收和发送的缓冲区socket结构体连接file结构体和sock结构体,三者的关系——struct file <=> struct socket <=> struct sock,三者都双向引用,便于数据在网格栈中上下移动。struct sock对象通常称为sk,而struct socket对象通常称为sock。

// [include/linux/sock.h]
struct sock {
    int         sk_rcvbuf;    // theorical "max" size of the receive buffer
    int         sk_sndbuf;    // theorical "max" size of the send buffer
    atomic_t        sk_rmem_alloc;  // "current" size of the receive buffer
    atomic_t        sk_wmem_alloc;  // "current" size of the send buffer
    struct sk_buff_head sk_receive_queue;   // head of doubly-linked list		// !!!!!!!! sk_buf缓冲区
    struct sk_buff_head sk_write_queue;     // head of doubly-linked list
    struct socket       *sk_socket;
  // ...

SKB缓冲区:当通过网卡接收到数据包时,驱动将网络数据包排队到sock的接收缓冲区中,数据包会在缓冲区一直存在直到程序决定接收它(使用recvmsg()系统调用)。发送时也一样(sendmsg()),只不过由网卡将数据包从队列移出并发送。这些网络数据包就是struct sk_buff,也称为SKB,这些缓冲区基本上都是skb的双向链表。

Netlink Socket:是socket的一种类型,由于struct sockstruct socket结构体是支持各种套接字的通用数据结构,因此有必要在某种程度上进行专门化,其proto_ops指针(BSD API)对应的是netlink_ops,如下所示。netlink_sock是具有一些附加属性的sockNetlink SocketAF_NETLINK)允许内核和用户态之间的通信,它可以用来修改路由表、接收SELinux事件通知,甚至与其他用户进程通信。

// [net/netlink/af_netlink.c]
static const struct proto_ops netlink_ops = {
    .bind =     netlink_bind,
    .accept =   sock_no_accept,     // <--- calling accept() on netlink sockets leads to EOPNOTSUPP error
    .sendmsg =  netlink_sendmsg,
    .recvmsg =  netlink_recvmsg,
  // ...
// [include/net/netlink_sock.h]
struct netlink_sock {
    /* struct sock has to be the first member of netlink_sock */
    struct sock     sk;
    u32         pid;
    u32         dst_pid;
    u32         dst_group;
  // ...

注释:sk是netlink_sock的第1个成员。好处一,它允许内核在不知道其精确类型的情况下操作通用sock结构体。 好处二,&同个地址,所以释放指针&netlink_sock.sk实际上释放了整个netlink_sock对象。

4. 总体关系图

通过current指针找到struct tast_struct => struct file_struct (存fdt) => struct fdtable (映射fd和file结构) => struct file (存file_operations文件操作 + socket) <=> struct socket (存放 struct proto_ops socket操作 + struct sock) <=> ** struct sock **=> sk_buf


5. 引用计数

引用计数:内核的一种机制。为了减少内核内存泄漏和防止UAF,大多数Linux的数据结构中有ref counter,为atomic_t类型(int)。通过如下原子操作对ref counter进行操作:

  • atomic_inc()
  • atomic_add()
  • atomic_dec_and_test() // 减去1并测试它是否等于零


  • refcounter减少两次:UAF。
  • refcounter增加两次:内存泄漏或整数溢出导致UAF。


  • struct socksock_hold(), sock_put()
  • struct filefget(), fput()
  • struct files_structget_files_struct(), put_files_struct()


1. 任务状态


  • Running:进程正在运行或已经准备就绪只等待在cpu上运行。如TASK_RUNNING—可执行状态,运行队列。
  • Waiting:进程正在等待某种事件/资源。如TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE—可中断的睡眠状态,等待队列。


// [include/linux/sched.h]
#define __set_current_state(state_value)            \
    do { current->state = (state_value); } while (0)

2. 运行队列

运行队列—struct rq:每个CPU都有自己的运行队列(允许真正的多任务处理)。运行队列具有一个任务(由调度器选择在指定的CPU上运行)列表。还具有统计信息,使调度器做出“公平”选择并最终重新平衡每个cpu之间的负载(即cpu迁移)。deactivate_task()函数将任务从运行队列中移出,activate_task()将任务加入到运行队列中。

// [kernel/sched.c]
struct rq {
  unsigned long nr_running;   // <----- statistics
  u64 nr_switches;            // <----- statistics
  struct task_struct *curr;   // <----- the current running task on the cpu     CPU当前运行的任务
  // ...


  • 调用deactivate_task()以移出运行队列,但不会直接调用deactivate_task(),通常调用schedule()来调度。
void make_it_block(void)


asmlinkage void __sched schedule(void)
        struct task_struct *prev, *next;
        unsigned long *switch_count;
        struct rq *rq;
        int cpu;

          // ... cut ...

        prev = rq->curr;    // <---- "prev" is the task running on the current CPU

        if (prev->state && !(preempt_count() & PREEMPT_ACTIVE)) {   // <----- ignore the "preempt" stuff
          if (unlikely(signal_pending_state(prev->state, prev)))
            prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;
            deactivate_task(rq, prev, DEQUEUE_SLEEP);     // <----- task is moved out of run queue
          switch_count = &prev->nvcsw;

        // ... cut (choose the next task) ...



// [include/linux/wait.h]
typedef struct __wait_queue_head wait_queue_head_t;

struct __wait_queue_head {
    spinlock_t lock;
    struct list_head task_list;			// `struct list_head`是Linux实现双链表的方式


// [include/linux.wait.h]

typedef struct __wait_queue wait_queue_t;
typedef int (*wait_queue_func_t)(wait_queue_t *wait, unsigned mode, int flags, void *key);

struct __wait_queue {
    unsigned int flags;
    void *private;                
    wait_queue_func_t func;     // <----- we will get back to this
    struct list_head task_list;


// [include/linux/wait.h]

#define __WAITQUEUE_INITIALIZER(name, tsk) {                \
    .private    = tsk,                      \
    .func       = default_wake_function,            \   // !!!!! 注意,将func设置为 default_wake_function()
    .task_list  = { NULL, NULL } }

#define DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(name, tsk)                    \
    wait_queue_t name = __WAITQUEUE_INITIALIZER(name, tsk) // <----- it creates a variable!

DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(my_wait_queue_elt, current); // <----- use the "current" macro   !!!调用方法


// [kernel/wait.c]
void add_wait_queue(wait_queue_head_t *q, wait_queue_t *wait)
    unsigned long flags;

    wait->flags &= ~WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE;
    spin_lock_irqsave(&q->lock, flags);
    __add_wait_queue(q, wait);              // <----- here
    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->lock, flags);
static inline void __add_wait_queue(wait_queue_head_t *head, wait_queue_t *new)
    list_add(&new->task_list, &head->task_list);

4. 唤醒任务


// [kernel/sched.c]
 * __wake_up - wake up threads blocked on a waitqueue.
 * @q: the waitqueue
 * @mode: which threads
 * @nr_exclusive: how many wake-one or wake-many threads to wake up
 * @key: is directly passed to the wakeup function
 * It may be assumed that this function implies a write memory barrier before
 * changing the task state if and only if any tasks are woken up.
void __wake_up(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode,
            int nr_exclusive, void *key)
    unsigned long flags;

    spin_lock_irqsave(&q->lock, flags);
    __wake_up_common(q, mode, nr_exclusive, 0, key);    // <----- here
    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->lock, flags);

// [kernel/sched.c]
    static void __wake_up_common(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode,
          int nr_exclusive, int wake_flags, void *key)
      wait_queue_t *curr, *next;

[0]   list_for_each_entry_safe(curr, next, &q->task_list, task_list) { // 遍历等待队列中的每个元素(list_for_each_entry_safe()是与双链表一起使用的宏),对每个元素都调用func()回调函数。
        unsigned flags = curr->flags;

[1]     if (curr->func(curr, mode, wake_flags, key) &&
            (flags & WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) && !--nr_exclusive)

// 注意:通常很少直接调用__wake_up(),而是调用这些辅助宏。
// [include/linux/wait.h]
#define wake_up(x)          __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL, 1, NULL)
#define wake_up_nr(x, nr)       __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL, nr, NULL)
#define wake_up_all(x)          __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL, 0, NULL)

#define wake_up_interruptible(x)    __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1, NULL)
#define wake_up_interruptible_nr(x, nr) __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, nr, NULL)
#define wake_up_interruptible_all(x)    __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 0, NULL)


int default_wake_function(wait_queue_t *curr, unsigned mode, int wake_flags,
              void *key)
    return try_to_wake_up(curr->private, mode, wake_flags);

static int try_to_wake_up(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int state,
              int wake_flags)
    struct rq *rq;

    // ... cut (find the appropriate run queue) ...

    schedstat_inc(p, se.nr_wakeups);              // <----- update some stats
    if (wake_flags & WF_SYNC)
        schedstat_inc(p, se.nr_wakeups_sync);
    if (orig_cpu != cpu)
        schedstat_inc(p, se.nr_wakeups_migrate);
    if (cpu == this_cpu)
        schedstat_inc(p, se.nr_wakeups_local);
        schedstat_inc(p, se.nr_wakeups_remote);
    activate_task(rq, p, en_flags);               // <----- 放入运行队列
    success = 1;

    p->state = TASK_RUNNING;                      // <----- 将任务状态修改为TASK_RUNNING

    // ... cut ...


struct resource_a {
  bool resource_is_ready;
  wait_queue_head_t wq;

void task_0_wants_resource_a(struct resource_a *res)
  if (!res->resource_is_ready) {
    // "register" to be woken up
    DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(task0_wait_element, current);
    add_wait_queue(&res->wq, &task0_wait_element);

    // start sleeping

    // We'll restart HERE once woken up
    // Remember to "unregister" from wait queue

  // XXX: ... do something with the resource ...

void task_1_makes_resource_available(struct resource_a *res)
  res->resource_is_ready = true;
  wake_up_interruptible_all(&res->wq);  // <--- unblock "task 0"



struct list_head {
    struct list_head *next, *prev;




Kaka——cve-2017-11176 利用分析+exp

CVE-2017-11176: A step-by-step Linux Kernel exploitation —— 翻译1 翻译2 翻译3 翻译4



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