【kernel exploit】CVE-2022-0185 File System Context 整数溢出漏洞利用
【kernel exploit】CVE-2022-0847 Dirty Pipe 漏洞分析与利用
【kernel exploit】CVE-2021-42008 6pack协议解码溢出漏洞利用
【kernel exploit】CVE-2021-43267 TIPC协议MSG_CRYPTO消息溢出利用
kernel exploit 有用的结构体——spray&victim
【kernel exploit】CVE-2021-22555 2字节堆溢出写0漏洞提权分析
【kernel exploit】CVE-2017-6074 DCCP拥塞控制协议Double-Free提权分析
【kernel exploit】CVE-2019-15666 xfrm UAF 8字节写NULL提权分析
【Exploit trick】Linux内核中利用msg_msg结构实现任意地址读写
【kernel exploit】CVE-2021-3490 eBPF 32位边界计算错误漏洞
Linux kernel CVE exploit analysis report and relative debug environment. You don't need to compile Linux kernel and configure your environment anymore.
Anything about kernel security. CTF kernel pwn, kernel exploit, kernel fuzz and kernel defense paper, kernel debugging technique, kernel CVE debug.
There are some papers about fuzzing. I record them by Xmind. Welcome to contact to me.
Something about CTF and vulnerability environment, mainly about kernel exploit.
The best vulnerable driver to learn how to exploit kernel vulnerability.